Friday, 18 May 2012

Thank you Bardwell School! From a very busy Vicar!

Most weeks I spend my days running from one thing to another - pretty much like everyone else, I guess. Last week was no exception, and Wednesday was a particularly busy day, with an assembly (assessed by the children, just to add to the pressure) as a highlight. I knew I had to run from the school afterwards to make it to my next appointment on time, and that the rest of the day would be taken on the run too.  Except....  as I was leaving the school my eye was drawn to the notice in the photo above.  'Be still....the Lord is here.  Take some time out of your busy day and use this quiet space to pray, think or reflect.'


Be still.....Take time...pray, think, reflect.

I certainly needed to hear those words, as I ran around, pleased with my own busyness!

As I carried on through my day, that notice kept calling to me, and later in the day, I called back to the school and did exactly what it asked.  I sat and took time.  Looked around, prayed, reflected.

I sat in the quiet space for a while, reading the prayers that had been put up by the children, and enjoying the few minutes space, then wandered around the rest of the playground, which seemed equally inviting and peaceful, and it was so lovely that I thought I'd share it here!

I loved the quiet space made out of saplings bent over and joined.  In the middle, the sun came through, speckling the ground and making it warm enough to sit and enjoy the dreamcatchers hanging around the branches.

All around were signs of the children's gardening - from the vegetables...

To the wildflower garden still waiting to grow...

And the greenhouse made out of plastic bottles. The pieces of paper have the names of those who put the bottle in - everyone in the school did one...

And the insect hotel, and compost bins - some with worms to make liquid compost (eeww...but good for gardens, I guess...) mean that nothing is forgotton or wasted!

I know that Bardwell School holds a silver eco school award, and I'm not surprised. But what I valued was not the curriculum stuff that was being done, or the amount that must be being, what I valued that very busy day was the encouragement to take time and space, something we could all do with more of.  I finished my short time out by returning to the quiet space....

...and this kind of said it all!  So I sat and said thank you - for time out, for space, and for a reminder that, however busy we are, we should never be too busy to stop and take a few moments to be with God.  The website Sacred Space shares this story.... 

A Jewish boy, the only son of his devout parents, was a most biddable child, with one exception! He resisted learning the Torah. To his parents, nothing could have been more distressing.
The Chief Rabbi was to visit their Synagogue. They decided to ask him to visit their home. He did, and after the meal the parents expressed to the Rabbi their concern about their son.
The Rabbi asked permission to place his arms around the boy. The parents agreed, moving to one side. They watched and waited, expecting to hear some word of advice from the Rabbi to the boy. But the only word they heard was silence as they watched their son rest close to the Rabbi’s heart.
The next day the boy began to study the Torah. His passion for God’s word grew. Years later he became a wise and loving Rabbi. Many asked him whence his knowledge came. He simply said, ‘I put my ear close to the Chief Rabbi’s heart and in that moment I heard the heartbeat of God.’
In the Gospel of John the ‘beloved disciple’ has his ear on Jesus’ heart. It is a privileged place. But I too am a beloved disciple, so I can do likewise. Only in silence can I hear the Lord’s heartbeat.
Lord, enrich my days with moments of silence, in which I simply listen to you.

So - from a very busy Vicar - Thank you Bardwell School, for the reminder, and for the lovely surroundings in which to 'Take some time...' and to hear the heart of God.